Monday, February 12, 2007

Tokyo Team Uncovers Possible Diabetes Cure

A Tokyo University team, led by Professor Takashi Kadowaki, might have found a link behind visceral fat-induced diabetes which might also uncover a cure for the disease. They published their findings in the U.S. medical magazine Nature Medicine.

Visceral fat (also known as internal fat) was long suspected a culprit for the onset of Type-II diabetes. When it accumulates (most often in overweight older adults), adiponectin decreases. Adiponectin is a protein hormone responsible for several metabolic processes including glucose regulation and the breakdown of fatty acid. Adiponectin works to lower blood sugar and neutral fat levels. A decline in this hormone can cause metabolic syndrome; resulting in diseases such as diabetes.

This study has revealed the inner workings of this process that were previously unclear. In tests involving mice, the researchers found two types of protein on the surface of the liver cells. Blood sugar and neutral fat levels fall when proteins and adiponectin join – which boosts fat-burning functions. Obese mice however, have visceral fat accumulated and fewer proteins on the surface of their liver cells. So when the researchers found increased proteins, the blood sugar levels would decline. The research team found that even if the quantity of adiponectin decreased in obese people, diabetes could be cured if the proteins increased.

If you or someone you know has Type-II diabetes , you may qualify for free diabetes supplies. Visit American Diabetes Services to find out.

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